TFE LIVE: Today's (Tuesday) show postponed 24 hours; we need time to get to the bottom of some i
SAN FRANCISCO (#1189) –– We are postponing today's TFE LIVE to air tomorrow (Wednesday 2019-08-14), at the normal time (1300 Pacific /...

TFE LIVE: Two shows today – regular 1300 PST show with special guest Malcolm Page (AUS/USA), Chief o
SAN FRANCISCO (#1177) – We are very pleased to have Malcolm Page, the Australian double Olympic medalist and multiple world champion who...

Happy Thanksgiving!
SAN FRANCISCO (#1136) – Today is the start of what most Americans will tell you is their favorite holiday, the four-day Thanksgiving...

World Sailing: On top of financial, governance, staffing and 2024 Olympic woes, now there's a le
SAN FRANCISCO (#1121) – For six months we've been reporting that "one hears" the Italian government was looking into alleged...

SI Live Webcasts: By popular demand increased to two per week – Tuesdays and Fridays
SAN FRANCISCO (#1081) – Thanks to the support of our patrons, family, friends and fans, our popular "Tuesdays with TFE" live webcast is...

Code Flag Lima: Kimball Livingston (USA) asks, 'How long has this been going on?'
SAN FRANCISCO (#1062) – [Kimball Livingston has been a leading sailing author and journalist for three decades. As a historian, he has a...

Come within Hail: Does your regatta publish a 'Notice of Expectations'?
SAN FRANCISCO (#1032) – Until yesterday your Ed. had never seen a "Notice of Expectations" published by a yacht club hosting a regatta....

SI: This is our 1000th post since we went live a year ago – thanks for your support!
SAN FRANCISCO (#1000) – Hard for those of us involved with Sailing Illustrated to believe, but this is our 1000th post in just over a...

TWT: No live show today due to ICOYC meeting
SAN FRANCISCO – Reminder that there will be no "Tuesdays with TFE" live webcast this week as Sailing Illustrated is helping with the A/V...

Flag L: The secret language of ships
SAN FRANCISCO – There’s another thing about this ship worth mentioning. See the crew members up on deck, at the far left and right of the...