Tuesdays with TFE: No show today; next show next week – same time, same channel
SAN DIEGO – We are going to take a holiday break today; the first Tuesday we've not done a full-on "Tuesdays with TFE" show since we...

Dear Readers: Our promise to you, and thanks for your support!
SAN FRANCISCO, CA – We work hard to fulfill our promise to you that SAILING ILLUSTRATED will have fresh, original content. Some other...

Sail Fast, Have Fun: SI reaches 500th blog post
SAN FRANCISCO – Winding down from the 35th America's Cup commotion and the Kiwi's epic win, we now celebrate a smaller victory. From all...

AC35: TFE is live-tweeting today's races. Watch it on the SI website
SOMETHING NEW TODAY at the request of our Dear Readers, since many of you cannot watch the livestream on the NBC Sport App. TFE is...

Facebook Live: Join our Pre-Race and Post-Race shows – 0930 PDT (1230 EDT) and at 1330 PDT (1630 EDT
OUR FACEBOOK LIVE sessions before and after racing have big hits judging by the thousands of views and your many very kind comments. As...

Facebook Live: Join our Pre-Race and Post-Race shows – 0930 PDT (1230 EDT) and at 1330 PDT (1630 EDT
OUR FACEBOOK LIVE sessions before and after yesterday's (non-) racing were again big hits judging by the thousands of views and the many...

Facebook Live: Join our Pre-Race and Post-Race shows – 0930 PDT (1230 EDT) and at 1330 PDT (1430 EDT
OUR FACEBOOK LIVE sessions before and after yesterday's racing were big hits judging by the thousands of views and the many very kind...

SI: "Our readers deserve that"
TO THOSE OF YOU WHO CELEBRATE IT, Happy Memorial Day. SAILING ILLUSTRATED is not taking a break on this USA national holiday, at least...

Thanks for a huge first week and great feedback; we're ending inbox overload
THANKS FOR MAKING our first week such a success! 140 posts are up, 40 alone since Monday's official launch. We've had over 25,000 site...

Tomorrow: AC35 Contenders & Pretenders
TUNE IN TOMORROW for our exclusive predictions for AC35, for which racing begins in earnest in BDA a week from tomorrow. After reading...