Photo of the Day: NEVER A DULL MOMENT at Airlie Beach Race Week?
AIRLIE BEACH, QLD, AUS – Our good friend and esteemed photographer Mary Longpre (USA, Newport Beach) reports, "Very light to no wind...

Cetaceous Interruptus: Wandering whale waylays racing
NEWPORT BEACH, CA – On Thursday afternoon, the whale was spotted in Newport Harbor near Mariners’ Mile, according to Brian Stanley, a...

Another notable 2017 anniversary: Diamond Head Lighthouse turns 100
HONOLULU, HI – In 1878, a lookout was established on the slopes of Diamond Head. It was later determined that a more substantial...

Photo of the Day II
SAN FRANCISCO – This TFE photo taken a few minutes ago from St Francis Yacht Club needs no further explanation. It's good to be alive,...

Photo of the day – the venerable 110 Class
INVERNESS, CA – Courtesy of Michael Sporer on a sparkling summer day (today) at Northern California's Inverness Yacht Club on beautiful...

Transpac: Record breaker at rest
HONOLULU – "COMANCHE resting in port at Aloha Tower." Photos courtesy of our longtime friend and esteemed club manager, David Robinson,...

AC35/36: Cup returns to Auckland
AUCKLAND, NZL – Nice to see the Cup in a country that cares about it. Reportedly, 80,000 people showed up for the parade down Queens...

Rose Cup: Balboa YC's David Wood wins the finals 3-0, besting Jack Parkin of Riverside YC
FORT WORTH, TX – David Wood of Balboa Yacht Club (Newport Beach, CA) won three straight races today to win the United States Youth Match...

Rose Cup: Balboa YC's Porter Killian takes an early lead
FORTH WORTH, TX – The first day of racing is underway at Eagle Mountain Lake, home of the esteemed Fort Worth Boat Club (of which your...

Another nice day on the Bay, a beaut breeze, and excellent brunch at GGYC
YOU WOULDN'T KNOW IT from the AC35 TV coverage, but the actual holder of the America's Cup is not Larry Ellison or ORACLE TEAM USA, but...