AC35: Watching the Cup on TV with friends? Send us a photo.
IF YOU ARE WATCHING THE AC RACING on TV with friends and family anywhere in the world, whether at home, your yacht club or at a...

AC35: Day 2, Race 7 (of Round Robin 1)
IT CAN"T HURT THE TV VIEWERSHIP in the USA that the Monaco F1 Grand Prix was on just before today's AC racing started in BDA. Hopefully...

On the scene in BDA: "The spectators roared when Ainslie’s cat mounted Barker’s; we were reliev
[SAILING ILLUSTRATED's newest esteemed contributor, Stacie Brandt (USA, Newport Beach) is a teammate with your Ed. on the Andrews 50 IT'S...

Red sky at night, sailors delight!
WITH APPROX 45 DAYS TO GO to the start of the 2017 Transpac, it's a little far out to be looking for auspicious signs. Here's hoping that...

Sunday moanin'
RIGHT ABOUT NOW there's probably more than a few Bermudians who are also missing the good old days in Newport. File photo courtesy of...

Hudson River CS: The outlook is anything but Dark n' Stormy
THERE ARE COMMUNITY SAILING CENTERS, and then there are CSCs that are big, cool de facto yacht clubs and much more. Two good examples are...

Opening Day at Bahia Corinthian YC
EVEN THE LA TIMES covered BCYC's big opening day ceremony yesterday. A small selection of the festive photos courtesy of the club's...

Is there a more beautiful sport?
PICTURESQUE in Port Townsend – with appreciation to our Facebook friend Bob Segui, who took this amazing photo at the Port Townsend...

Opening day at Balboa YC
GREAT TRADITION, COOL CLUB. Opening Day at Balboa YC, Saturday, May 13, 2017. Photo courtesy of the "Grasshopper" a.k.a. Chris Bretschger.

Windsurfing down a mountain?
WINDBOARDING? SNOWSURFING? WTF?? All we know is that we approve. Our favorite content company that happens to sell energy drinks, Red...