San Francisco: Home of Democrats, famous landmarks, and the America's Cup?
CBS NEWS reported yesterday that the GOP is targeting the Democratic candidate in the run-off race for a Congressional seat in Georgia by...

Antigua Sailing Week: Sergio Sagrados on LAZY DOG takes the Lord Nelson Trophy
THIS HIGHLIGHTS VIDEO from the 50th Antigua Sailing Week that wrapped Saturday night is simply superb, and makes me wish I had been there...

Tequila sunset?
Firing up a Cinco de Mayo fiesta at your favorite YC? With or without salt? ¡Salsipuede! Photo: TFE's iPhone 7 Plus.

Saturday in Seattle: Opening Day of the yachting season
OUR FRIENDS AT SEATTLE YACHT CLUB are rightfully proud of their Opening Day, the official start to Seattle's boating season. Indeed it...

Acorn, sapling or full-grown oak tree?
IF YOU ARE ANYWHERE NEAR Oyster Bay (north shore of New York's Long Island), and you want to do any type of cool sailing, do yourself a...

Happy Anniversary!
ANOTHER MILESTONE REGATTA this year, the 50th anniversary of Antigua Race Week begins tomorrow running through May 5th. An estimated 1500...

Happy Anniversary!
LAST WEEKEND IN SAN FRANCISCO we celebrated the 90th anniversary of the founding of the esteemed St Francis Yacht Club and the 100th...

SDYC's 132nd Opening Day
NOT ONLY WERE THEY CELEBRATING anniversaries up in SF this past weekend, but Sunday marked the 132nd Opening Day at San Diego Yacht Club....

Safety at sea
NO, ST FRANCIS YACHT CLUB IS NOT ON FIRE, although when a friend texted me this photo just now I sure thought it was. The Club is...

San Diego's best new coffee spot
TFE (AND MWE) RECOMMENDS the Coffee Hub and Café, serving breakfast and lunch in Point Loma's Shelter Island Village, off Scott St, near...