Olympics: How long before World Sailing proposes this as an Olympic event?
DAKHLA, WESTERN SAHARA (#1056) – You think this headline is a joke? Under the current WS leadership, it may only be a matter of time. One...

Hunting for the Truth: Kite-Boarding? Kite-Surfing? Or Kite-Sailing?
SAN FRANCISCO (#1035) – [With this post we welcome our newest Sailing Illustrated contributor, Michael "Attila" Hunt (USA) and his...

VOR: What a record-breaking run looks like from Sam Greenfield's drone in 30+ knots of breeze
LEG 9, NEWPORT TO CARDIFF (#1024) – In the last edition of the Volvo Ocean Race the advent of the On-Board Reporters armed with cameras...

Photos of the Day: Fotogs' fascination with bridges as background
NEWPORT, RI (#1020) – It's not just the Golden Gate Bridge that is popular with yacht racing snappers. With the Volvo Ocean Race in town,...

Olympics: Video (and question) of the day – Why isn't the foiling Moth under consideration for t
SAN FRANCISCO – Is it because the Moth is an open class controlled by the owners not a monopoly manufacturer controlled by World Sailing?...

Pac52: Season opens with nine yachts, up from five last year, including three Mexican boats and Tony
SAN DIEGO – In only its full second year, the ostensible West Coast Pac52 Class has gone international, with three Mexican boats joining...

Pac52 Cup: Karl Kwok's BEAU GESTE dominates (again) on Day 1, in glorious conditions on SF Bay F
SAN FRANCISCO – In only the second year of the West Coast's new Pac52 Class, six yachts are racing in the fifth and final regatta of the...

WMRT Match Cup Chicago: Friday eye candy courtesy of Michele Almeida
CHICAGO – The World Match Racing Tour is in Chicago this weekend. Friday's blustery conditions on Lake Michigan made for some great...

Rolex Big Boat Series: Day One eye candy by Chris Ray; Karl Kwok's BEAU GESTE leads Pac52s with
SAN FRANCISCO – As your Ed. is fond of saying, SF Bay is iconically beautiful and reliably windy making it a great venue for yacht...