Photos of the Day: Which, with their accompanying captions, are April Fools' jokes, and which ar
SAN FRANCISCO – As usual, today other sailing sites are posting lame stories that are clearly April Fools' jokes, and, regardless, in...

AC36: Who, what, where, when and why?
SAN FRANCISCO – Photo above is courtesy of one of our growing number of Sailing Illustrators (fans, reporters, contributors, etc.). Who...

Olympic Classes: Is World Sailing planning an even more radical Olympic shake-up than previously rep
SAN FRANCISCO – On today's weekly live Sailing Illustrated webcast special guest Bob Fisher (GBR) and your Ed. had a lengthy discussion...

VOR: Scallywag (CHN) leading into HKG, at least for now
SAN FRANCISCO – There are days when you have to take the Volvo Ocean Race tracker with a grain of salt, and today is probably one. It...

2024 Olympic Classes: Windsurfing goes on the offensive
SAN FRANCISCO – Today comes yet another sign that the Windsurfing community has gone on the offensive after Sailing Illustrated broke the...

Daily Digest: VOR lightning strike, TP52 Super Series, AC news and more
SAN FRANCISCO – As always, below are the latest links to major yacht racing stories, including links to any major stories we otherwise...

Daily Digest: AC50 circuit, VOR update, 2024 Olympic Classes and more
SAN DIEGO – Today is the 12th Day of Christmas, or as our Spanish friends call it, "El Día de los Reyes" – the Day of the Kings. For...

Olympics: World Sailing's radical plan to overhaul 2024 events/classes
LONDON – One hears that the staff of World Sailing, with the support of the President and several but not all of the Board (formerly the...

VOR: One hears that Steve Hayles (GBR) has left Team Sun Hung Kai/Scallywag after a row with skipper
CAPE TOWN – Steve Hayles (GBR), Team Sun Hun Kai / Scallywag's navigator for Legs 1 and 2, has left the team, or so your Ed. is reliably...

VOR: One hears a Rule 69 protest has been filed against Scallywag, skipper David Witt, and three oth
UPDATE: We are now told that the only two people being protested under Rule 69, which will be heard by the Jury on Thursday, are Messrs...