eSailing World Championship: What is World Sailing doing associating itself with electronic games?
LONDON – The headline read: “eSailing World Championship launched.” It brought me to a halt particularly when I read on only to find that...

Bernie Wilson: Kiwis pedaling toward possible America's Cup upset
HAMILTON, BER – The Kiwis replaced grinders and their arm power with the cyclors. Their pedaling powers the hydraulic systems used to...

AC35: No, it's not just the foils....
HAMILTON, BER – Once again, a photo (or in this case two) are worth a thousand words. Beaut top photo (of OTUSA) is by the esteemed...

AC35: It's all about the foils
AS YOU LIKELY KNOW, each team is allowed to design and use two sets of foils, and that most have a set for light air (what the teams call...

New Aussie "SuperFoiler" Series
WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT – I suppose it was only a matter of time, and leave it to the Aussies to come up with a new pro sailing...

Cambridge scientist debunks flying myth
A NEW EXPLANATION SURFACES (sorry, pun intended) in an article in today's Telegraph (UK) using a sail as an example to debunk the old...