Lake St Clair: Rig Down in the first race of the season
QUOTE-UNQUOTE: "First race of the year, sailing pretty conservative. Going upwind in ~15 knots of breeze with our #3 jib. Puff comes on...

C.Ray: Another day on SF Bay
THERE ARE A NUMBER of noted and celebrated international yachting photographers – Italy's Carlo Borlenghi, Daniel Forster (SUI/USA,...

Developing: Land Rover BAR collides with ETNZ during practice race
QUOTE-UNQUOTE from various tweets we are hearing that: "Land Rover BAR has reportedly just clipped the back of ETNZ practice racing....

BDA: Another MOB in AC50 practice, this time the Kiwis
YOU JUST NEVER KNOW if these man-overboard incidents are drills, or the real deal. But it happened again yesterday in Bermuda where the...

Another day on SF Bay
QUOTE-UNQUOTE: "Gusts into the high twenties today [Saturday] caused some problems for the J/105 fleet by race 4. Luckily, to our...

Windsurfing down a mountain?
WINDBOARDING? SNOWSURFING? WTF?? All we know is that we approve. Our favorite content company that happens to sell energy drinks, Red...