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Check your local listings – AC35 air times on NBCSN may not be as previously advertised

SO IT TURNS OUT that Friday's AC35 racing, if it doesn't get blown out, will not be shown live on NBCSN – at least not on the Bay Area's Comcast/Xfinity cable system. I got that tip today at lunch from fellow StFYC member and friend Kermit Shickel, who said to check the cable "Guide" on my TV. I did, and he's right. "Sailing: America's Cup: Fleet Racing (sic) airs for us here in SF, at least on Comcast/Xfinity, at 1500 (3:00pm) for two hours. Scheduled race time is 1700 Bermuda Time, meaning 1300 (1:00p) Pacific Time. So there's a two-hour delay. Note that it even says "REPLAY" in the bottom left corner of the screen. So I guess this means watching Friday's racing on the NBCSN app so we can see it live.

However, for Saturday the cable Guide shows AC racing will be live on our cable system – 1000-1200, which is 1400-1600 in Bermuda, the scheduled race time....

Moral to the story – check your local listings as the times may vary, and apparently the racing may not always be live.


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