AC35: Beaut 11-15 knots today at race time; unraceably light tomorrow?
ANOTHER NICE DAY ON TAP for racing in BDA at 1400. Last day of the Rounds Robin. First race between ETNZ and OTUSA has the bonus point for the AC Match on the line for OTUSA, and for the Kiwis, too, assuming they win the Challenger Playoffs and go to the Match. The other races are only for training and bragging rights, and it will be the last race for Groupama Team France who are now mathematically eliminated from going forward to the Playoffs.
Four races today. All teams are racing at least once. GBR and USA twice.
Tomorrow? Dicey. Regatta Director Iain Murray will be up against the six-knot minimum wind limit. Unusual direction, too, almost northerly.
As always, forecasts courtesy of
