Rolex Big Boat Series: Pac52 Class with five entries, up from one last year
SAN FRANCISCO – Last night St Francis Yacht Club was humming on the eve the 53rd Annual Rolex Big Boat Series. The RBBS is widely regarded as the West Coast’s premier regatta, attracting world-caliber competitors for four days of buoy racing on the reliably windy and iconically beautiful SF Bay. This is StFYC’s signature event featuring racing under ORR, HPR, and BAMA (multihull) handicaps plus multiple one-design classes.
Spectators have ringside seats at StFYC, Golden Gate YC, on the "yacht club peninsula" between StFYC and GGYC, and at Fort Mason. Just don't try to park near the Clubs – best to take an Uber or Lyft, or park on a side street in the Marina District and walk over to the peninsula.
89 boats are registered to race, including five Pac52s – putting a bit of "big" back into what in recent years has been more of offshore one-design regatta of boats primarily boats 40' and under. The excellent regatta website is here, and the event's Facebook Page here.
For the record, here is the opening press release issued last evening. Today might actually be the breeziest day of the week, though in the 13-21 knot range not the 18-25 that the Bay often sees. forecast here.
Teams have been practicing all week, especially yesterday when all five Pac52s were out. More on the Pac52 website here, and the class Facebook Page here. Nice video above is Manouch Moshayedi's RIO training earlier this week, courtesy of the Pac52 Class.

The latest addition to the Pac52 Class on the West Coast – which has grown from one yacht last year (Victor Wild's FOX, San Diego Yacht Club, which won the 2016 RBBS) – to five this year, is Karl Kwok's BEAU GESTE from the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, training on the Bay yesterday. Photo: Pac52 Facebook page.