AC36 Protocol: By request – slides from yesterday's Tuesdays with TFE; next week's guest wil
SAN FRANCISCO – Our Tuesdays with TFE show yesterday already has had a large number of views, over 1000 in less than 24 hours. Thanks for your great support! You can watch a replay on our Sailing Illustrated Facebook page here. A number of you have requested that we post the key slides from yesterday's show that succinctly summarized the AC36 Protocol, so we are doing so in a gallery below. But if you have time, and are keen on the Cup, please do watch at least the AC section of yesterday's show for more context.
The slides about the of likely and possible teams is your Ed.'s best guess on the number and countries of origin. ETNZ CEO Grant Dalton has announced that there will be a meeting of "real" prospective teams in either London or Monaco on November 15, so we will know more then.
I am pleased to report that on next week's Tuesdays with TFE (October 10, 2017) we will have as our guest longtime friend and the primary author of the Protocol, Russell Green (NZL), who is ETNZ's legal and rules advisor. Russ will be on live via Skype from Auckland to explain in some detail the Protocol Governing America's Cup XXXVI, and answer any questions you may have. Please submit questions in the meantime via, or during the show in the comments section of our Facebook Live, which airs as always at 1300 PDT on our SI FB page, You need not be a member of Facebook or have an FB account to join our live show or watch a replay.
And with this post, we are pleased to report that our auto-email of our posts to SI subscribers should be back up and running, finally, after technical difficulties suffered by our site hosting company that were aggravated by the impact of Hurricane Irma on their Miami office. Thanks for your patience. And for those of our Dear Readers who have not yet subscribed, please do so on our main page or here to receive email alerts whenever we post MUST READ items and breaking news.