Facebook Live Today: A mock protest hearing between "reps" of LDV COMANCHE and WILD OATS X

SAN DIEGO – Please join us for a special SAILING ILLUSTRATED Facebook Live today (Wednesday) at 1300 Pacific / 1600 Easter / 2100 UTC / 2200 CET / 1000+1 (Thursday) in Auckland / 0800+1 (Thursday) in Sydney. Dick Enersen (St Francis YC, San Francisco) will represent the protester, LDV COMANCHE, and Clark Chapin (Portage YC, Ann Arbor) will represent the protestee, WILD OATS XI.
Dick and Clark will appear live via Skype, with your Ed. serving as moderator / Jury Chair. Our viewers will serve as the jury and have the opportunity to ask questions and then, at the end, vote on the decision(s).
The mock representatives will present and discuss the two videos and more "evidence." This will all take place, as a "Take Five with TFE" pop Facebook Live over on our SAILING ILLSUTRATED Facebook page, www.facebook.com/sailingillustratedblog.
Hope you can join us for what should be an interesting and informative mock protest hearing – Facebook, Skye, the internet and God willing.

Clark Chapin (Portage YC, Ann Arbor) will "represent" WOXI, and Dick Enersen (St Francis YC, San Francisco) LDVC.