VOR: Scallywag is on the move, apparently departing Puerto Montt with a delivery crew headed for Ita
PUERTO MONTT, CHILE – Further to our report yesterday about Sun Hung Kai Scallywag's Facebook post with the good news that, "Scallywags never give up!!...Our delivery crew have arrived and we are now in a race against the clock....", according to the authoritative MarineTraffic.com website a few minutes ago, Scallywag have apparently docked out. Clearly the yacht is on the move, motoring out of Puerto Montt making 7 knots in a southerly direction. Graphic below is a screengrab taken at 1130 Pacific Time showing Scallywag's location, speed and heading.
So far we have seen no official report on the VOR website, no surprise, nor anything on the team's website or Facebook page.

Screengrab of the location, speed and heading, via AIS, of Scallywag from MarineTraffic.com.