Come within Hail: Does your regatta publish a 'Notice of Expectations'?
SAN FRANCISCO (#1032) – Until yesterday your Ed. had never seen a "Notice of Expectations" published by a yacht club hosting a regatta. Is this a new development, or is it old news that we have missed picking up on? The NOE is the Club's statement of intentions for "managing this regatta and its ancillary water and shoreside activities in an environmentally responsible manner."

Obviously, the document is patterned after the typical Notice of Race required under the Racing Rules of Sailing.
Read the full version of the NOE for the Hydrofoil Pro Tour being hosted this weekend by St Francis Yacht Club here.
The document appears to have been promulgated by the "Clean Regatta" initiative of the enviro organization Sailors for the Sea. After googling "Notice of Expectations" one finds one other such document – for the 2018 Vineyard Cup Regatta being hosted next month by Sail Martha's Vineyard, also in conjunction with Sailors for the Sea.
Is this a good idea that should be adopted by more if not all regattas? Should it be built into the Racing Rules of Sailing as a required document? Remain voluntary club-to-club (and event-to-event)? Or is it just more "nanny state" nonsense?

Above, the header and opening paragraphs of the StFYC "Notice of Expectations" for the Hydrofoil Pro Tour regatta being hosted by the Club this week. Read the full document here, and tell us what you think.