TFE LIVE: Tuesday's guest – Markus Schwendtner (GER), CEO of the International Kiteboarding Ass&

UPDATE (2019-01-29, 1855 PST) – UPDATE: You can watch a replay of today's TFE LIVE with guest Markus Schwendtner on our Sailing Illustrated Facebook page here.
SAN FRANCISCO (#1168) – Markus Schwendtner (GER) is the CEO of the International Kiteboarding Association, recognized by World Sailing as the class association and more for Olympic kiteboarding and beyond. Your Ed. has not met Herr Schwendtner in person, but we've become frequent digital communicants, and he is a regular viewer of, and helpful commenter during, our bi-weekly TFE LIVEs. I look forward to a lively and informative discussion with Markus on all things kiting on our Tuesday show, including and especially the 2024 Olympic Games.
As always, our Coordinating Producer Julia Wedekind (USA) will be monitoring the livestream for your questions (post them as comments on the live Facebook feed), or submit them to us in advance via email –
Join us for TFE LIVE on Tuesday, 2019-01-29, as usual on our Sailing Illustrated Facebook page, or watch a replay there after our live show.

Markus Schwendtner (GER), CEO of the International Kiteboarding Association, will be our special guest live via Skype from Berlin on Tuesday's TFE LIVE.